All orange.
That was the color of the cards.
Clapping followed.
The Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches is meeting in Geneva. They started on May 5.
In their discussion, they use a consensus model that involves showing cards to indicate support for or dissent from a matter under consideration.
Orange is good. It represents support. Go for the orange!
The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations also represents the (WCRC) at the UN. Ryan and I wrote a report of our work and I was asked here to present it. After some travel misadventures in New York, I arrived this morning (Geneva time). This afternoon (Geneva time) I fought off jet lag and made the report.
I spoke.
Questions were asked.
In a bold move, I asked a question of my report.
Well, OK, it wasn't a question of my report. More a question raised by my report.
Then moderator asked if people supported the report.
And a sea of orange cards appeared.
Well maybe more of a small puddle since there are only 40 or so members.
But all the cards were orange!
And then they clapped.
Over the next few days, we will explore together how to deepen and expand this partnership. Tomorrow starts with worship at the Church of Scotland in Geneva. We are staying in the John Knox International Center so that seems fitting.
See you along the trail!
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