Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thanks Pete!

Belated Happy Birthday to Pete Seeger who turned 92 on May 3.

I actually had a conversation with him once. He and Si Kahn were doing music at a conference I was attending. I sat down beside them. Si noticed that I was wearing a watch (this was the old days). He asked, "What time is it?" I responded with the time. "Thanks," said Pete.

That should have been my line.

Thanks, Pete . . .
for unflagging witness
persisting patiently
sharing hope
living with integrity
caring for creation
pursuing justice
building community
breaking down walls
crossing lines when appropriate
and honoring lines when appropriate.

Thanks Pete
for rising up in song,
bringing us along,
and reminding us that
we cannot keep from singing.

Thanks Pete!
Happy Birthday (about 24 minutes late).

See you along the Trail.

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